Fructose intolerance is a widespread food intolerance from which one in ten citizens in the western, industrial world suffers. However, every person above a certain level has an intolerance. In this article you will learn what fructose is, what it is used for in the body and what causes the intolerance.
The different types of fructose intolerance

On the one hand there is the very rare, genetically determined fructose intolerance, which occurs in a ratio of 1:130,000. On the other hand, there is fructose intolerance, which takes place in the intestine and manifests itself through various symptoms such as stomach aches, cramps, diarrhoea and flatulence. The problems occur mainly in the large intestine. The fructose is absorbed in the small intestine and transported to the liver. If the body cannot absorb enough fructose due to a lack of the transport protein GLUT 5, it is transported to the large intestine, where it causes the problems. Intestinal bacteria process the fructose and thus trigger the corresponding reactions and symptoms.

The function of fructose in the body

The body needs fructose to process glucose. In men this is also the food for the sperm. However, ninety percent of the fructose ingested is not needed by the body and is therefore excreted.

Where fructose is found

Normally fructose is found in fruits. There are two types of sugar, either as simple sugars such as glucose or galactose or combined in cane or beet sugar as sucrose. In this case the glucose is linked to the fructose. In fruits both types occur.

There is also fructose, which is artificially produced and added to food as a sweetener. This artificial fructose is much more dangerous than the natural fruit sugar in fruit. However, many people have problems with the fructose in fruit.

Fructose easily explained

Fructose tastes sweet, but does not fill you up. Glucose in the form of simple sugars or starches, on the other hand, fills up, so the body signals that it has had enough, which in turn has something to do with insulin metabolism. Sweetened foods cause the body to demand more and more, although it only needs glucose to produce energy. The danger is particularly great with artificially sweetened foods, but also, for example, with the popular sugar substitute agave syrup, which consists of ninety percent fructose.

Further facts about fructose

The fructose is transported in the small intestine by proteins into the bloodstream. The transport protein glut 5 is formed in the intestinal cells as a passive process in the small intestine. The fructose attaches to the protein and is thus absorbed by the body. It is different with glucose and galactose, which are actively absorbed. The body recognises them and channels them into the body with a certain amount of energy.

Fructose is dependent on the protein gluten 5, so if there is a fructose intolerance, this is influenced by intestinal health. If the intestine is already irritated by other intolerances to certain foods such as gluten or milk protein, a latent inflammation of the intestine develops so that the small intestine can no longer work efficiently. The protein gluten 5 is ultimately no longer produced in sufficient quantities.

Treatment options and other measures

Through regular intestinal marination, intestinal health can be restored and treats the causal problem for the resulting fructose intolerance. This also applies to other diseases such as intestinal bacteria in the wrong proportion, fungi, parasites, toxins, as well as electrosmog. All these problems make sure that the intestines can no longer work properly. What is disturbing the intestinal wall in detail can be found out with the help of a therapist who is at best trained according to the Klinghardt method.

In addition, the affected person can also go on a diet without the help of a therapist. In this case, all foods containing fructose should first be removed from the diet until the intestine has recovered somewhat. Gradually, the affected person can test individual types of fruit for individual tolerance. The most suitable types of fruit are those that contain a relatively high amount of glucose, such as bananas and avocado. These types of fruit are usually much better tolerated. Glucose promotes the absorption of fructose, so it helps to take glucose with foods containing fructose, for example in the form of dextrose. Foods containing sorbite, on the other hand, make the absorption of fructose worse, so they should definitely be avoided.

To improve a fructose intolerance, you should first treat the root cause and then slowly move on to the incompatible foods. An improvement is quite likely with the right treatment and improves the quality of life enormously.

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The contents offered here serve exclusively for neutral information and general further education. They do not constitute a recommendation or advertisement of the diagnostic methods, treatments or drugs described or mentioned. The text makes no claim to completeness, nor can the topicality, accuracy and balance of the information provided be guaranteed. Under no circumstances does the text replace the professional advice of a doctor or pharmacist and it may not be used as a basis for independent diagnosis and the beginning, modification or termination of a treatment of diseases. Always consult a doctor of your choice in case of health questions or complaints! ThePraxisFamily Lld. and the authors assume no liability for inconvenience or damage resulting from the use of the information presented here.

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