Our Mission

Whether with children or with a desire to have children - the health of young families is particularly close to our heart. That's why we do everything we can to ensure that they become healthy and stay that way in the long term.

Chronic suffering is often simply accepted because there seems to be no solution. Especially for allergies, gastro-intestinal problems, immune deficiencies, intolerances, exhaustion, skin diseases and headaches, traditional medicine often has no answer.

This exhausts not only the affected family member. It makes everyone helpless, helpless and sometimes angry.

For years families seeking help have been coming to our practice. They describe their failures to doctors and therapists. Once they have looked for a solution on the Internet, they are even more confused. Now they would rather trust in our years of experience as alternative practitioners and Klinghardt therapists.

Good on you! We will show you our solutions and secrets with which we have already helped hundreds of families - and ourselves.

Just like us, you should become a sovereign and independent expert for the health of your family.

That is our mission - be part of it!

 This is us

We - Daniela and Matthias Cebula - are alternative practitioners and therapists. And we are enthusiastic parents: We involve our four wonderful children in everything.

The interaction of individual family members has always interested us both. So it's not surprising that the topic of family constellations was the focus of our very first conversation. That was more than ten years ago and we like to think back to how the spark ignited over a bottle of beer. Sure to have found the right partner, we stepped at the altar just one year later.

Our history is typical for the children of the 1970s: bottle feeding instead of breastfeeding, vaccinations, far too many antibiotics, amalgam fillings, sweets, fast food, eating in bags, etc. Like so many others, we too had to struggle with the corresponding health problems: allergies, hay fever, dental problems, bad blood values, skin rashes and joint problems were the order of the day. For Matthias it was especially bad: If he entered the living space of a cat, his eyes watered immediately.

At some point we decided to put an end to this. We devoured hundreds of books about health and nutrition and gradually adopted an increasingly healthy lifestyle.

Daniela, at that time still a hairdresser, opened the first natural hairdresser's shop in Bamberg. At the same time she continued to educate herself. Soon therapy took up more space for her than haircutting. In the end she sold the shop and concentrated on a career as a therapist. Her main focus is Psycho-Kinesiology (PK) and Systemic Transformation Work (STA).

Matthias, at that time still a coach and trainer in adult education, opened a Shaolin Kung Fu school as a second main pillar. He enjoyed teaching his clients good strategies and methods. However, in his work he found out that these were not enough to really help a person. In his search for a solution he found a book by Dr. Dietrich Klinghardt. Matthias has found his teacher in this book. Dietrich is still our teacher and mentor today, and he continues to enrich our work - and our lives.

We can do that

"When I saw the technique of Applied Neurokinesiology according to Dr. Dietrich Klinghardt for the first time, it was immediately clear to me: This is it! This is the key to all my questions and research“, says Matthias today.

The secret behind this is called Autonomous Regulation Testing (ART). This sophisticated biofeedback method enables us to determine the patient's condition and needs very precisely. The body itself determines what it lacks and what it needs. Instead of relying solely on knowledge from literature and clever seminars, we now question the patient's own body "system". The ART method enables us to make clear decisions and to create corresponding treatment protocols. One reason why we have been achieving many wonderful successes with our patients in our full-time practice for years.

I also learned from Dr. Klinghardt that a terrain often has to be developed step by step. In one of the many training sessions with him, I asked a question about a very specific genetic defect. Surprisingly, instead of an answer, I received many indications of how he would approach this unknown subject. That was the best thing that could happen to me, because that way I learned to think like him. Since then I have been training with the best doctors and therapists in the world. I integrate everything about health, nutrition, detoxification and the body as a whole into my work.

The newly gained insight also helped us in personal distress: the most difficult time for us was when our desire for children remained unfulfilled, when we had to go through the painful experience of leaving three times. We have only been able to bear and process this thanks to our knowledge and methods.

That spurred us on. Now more than ever! Without compromise, we changed our diet, the use of medicines and cosmetics - simply the whole way of life. In addition, we also created new, better living space.

And we did not bury our heads in the sand. For all the world we wanted to be parents! People who have so much love and care to give, children are the greatest happiness. To make a long story short: four wonderful children have found a home with us. Every day with them is a gain and a gift. Through them we are finally a happy family.

Day after day we profit from our knowledge: Our family is of above-average health. And if someone does get sick, we use the proven ART method and know immediately what to do. This is a good feeling, because it gives us security in all situations in life. Whether in everyday life or on holiday - we always know exactly what is right for whom and when.

We have made this our life's work: We want to pass on our knowledge to as many families as possible.

Join in! You too can enjoy the ability to live self-determined!