Cili CBD / CBG Swish can be supportive in the context of regulatory medicine. Once you have identified the causes of your health problems with the help of our PaxisFamily system, you can not only alleviate them, but also eliminate them by carrying out a physical detoxification and, in the best case, adding substances to your organism that support this effect by strengthening the immune system.

What is Cili Swish CBD/CBG all about?

Cili CBD / CBG Swish is made from high quality hemp oil and is bioavailable. The dietary supplement is taken orally. The contained active ingredients CBG and CBD have made a name for themselves due to their health-promoting effects and are extracted from hemp plants (free of THC).

What makes Cili Swish with CBD and CBG so special?

Once you have been able to recognize with our PraxisFamily System which complaints you have and how these can best be treated, you can also learn which substances are important for you and your organism so that a functioning regulation modulation can begin.

A Cili CBD / CBG Swish is a dietary supplement in which the ingredients of hemp oil are bioavailable to a high degree with the help of nano-technology. It can be taken on a daily basis.

Hemp oil

In most cases, it is not enough just to detoxify the body / organism. On the other hand, you should also take substances that enable a new system modulation in the body.

Why is a new system modulation in the body not so simple?

New system modulation in the body involves not only the immune system, but also mitochondria in cells and the microbiome in the gut. Depending on the therapeutic approach, these could overreact, but may also be limp/unresponsive or autoimmune. In order to be able to achieve a perfect interaction in a new system modulation, it is not easy to find the necessary and suitable means for a therapeutic approach.

In order to produce the right results, the therapy must not be dosed too high or too low. With the help of Cili Swish with CBD and CBG, a therapy attempt can be significantly facilitated. In this dietary supplement, the CBD contained is not only available to the cells, but also cellular. Due to the aqua-ceutical preparation, the Cili Swish with CBD and CBG is effective at the nano level.

A cell availability that is not dangerous

All the substances contained in a Cili CBD / CBG Swish are immediately available to the cells in your organism without posing any danger. The size of the contained nano-substances corresponds to the needs of the mitochondria, cells and the immune system of your body.

The contained nano-substances your body system urgently needs to be able to function regularly and healthy. Due to their small size, nanosubstances can enter the organism through the mucous membranes and do not need to pass through the stomach and intestines.

Those who suffer from a digestive system that no longer functions properly would therefore not be able to absorb the substances necessary for the organism via the intestines at all.

It is not enough just to change the diet

Once you have recognized for yourself that your organism is not functioning properly, a change in diet is usually not enough to eliminate the recognized complaints. At the same time, you need to ensure that your organism’s microsystem is able to absorb and utilize the high-quality ingredients of the food. Since the ingredients of the daily diet are not cell-available, they cannot be helpful to your body at the beginning of a dietary change.

Change nutrition

You should therefore support your body helpfully so that the high-quality food that you consume daily after a dietary change really achieves its goal. Cili Swish contains cannabinoids and is completely THC free. These serve the human receptors and lead to a clearly noticeable nervous system regulation.

This means that the sympathicotonic stress state of the nervous system can be calmed and eventually terminated as it transitions to a parasympathetic state.

Do you want to guide your body into a healing state?

Are you no longer satisfied with your physical health and would like to increase not only your well-being, but also your immune system? In order to be able to change your physical processes, you can use our PraxisFamily system to identify your weak points and find out for yourself which therapy options are best for you and how you can increase your well-being and health in an easy and tolerable way.

Body in a healing state

We will be happy to assist you. You can use our PraxisFamily system easily and successfully if you want to learn more about yourself, your body and your personal health. Without much effort, you can learn which diet is particularly beneficial for you personally and which culinary temptations you should better avoid.

It is always important to know your own body exactly, so that you can fully meet your personal needs.

The contents offered here serve exclusively for neutral information and general further education. They do not constitute a recommendation or advertisement of the diagnostic methods, treatments or drugs described or mentioned. The text makes no claim to completeness, nor can the topicality, accuracy and balance of the information provided be guaranteed. The text in no way replaces the expert advice of a doctor or pharmacist and may not be used as a basis for independent diagnosis and the beginning, modification or termination of treatment of diseases. Always consult a doctor of your choice if you have health questions or complaints! DiePraxisFamily Lld. and the authors accept no liability for inconvenience or damage resulting from the use of the information presented here.

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