Parkinson’s disease is a neurological brain disorder that is usually acquired and not congenital. If certain circumstances are present, a healthy brain can become ill. Basically, in PD, the substantia nigra, a substance in the midbrain responsible for producing dopamine, is damaged. As the disease progresses, it is destroyed more and more. As a result, too little dopamine is available to supply the body, so that overall muscle control no longer functions properly. Movements may become slower and more small-stepped, and the face and all facial expressions may freeze. Another symptom of the disease is tremor, which is a permanent shaking of the hands. The tremor develops slowly at first, becoming stronger over time until it is finally uncontrollable. As the disease progresses, it can lead to further disorders and significant impairment of the sufferer. Furthermore, dopamine has a filtering function. If the frontal brain is no longer properly supplied, certain social filters may no longer function. As a result, the ill person regularly shows his negative character peaks, which can go as far as dementia. How Parkinson’s disease develops and what you can do against it, you will learn in this article.

Early symptoms of Parkinson’s disease

Once the disease has broken out, the damage already done cannot be repaired. It is therefore important to work prophylactically and to intervene as early as possible in the case of a disease that has already developed, so that the progression of the disease can be slowed down or even stopped. An early indication of Parkinson’s disease is primarily a disturbed sense of smell. This can be easily identified by an odor test on peanut butter. If you can no longer smell them, this is a strong indication that something is not working in the brain. Other indications of the disease include crying at night as well as lashing out and sudden mood swings. A sudden development of constipation may also be an indication of the disease. A cautious approach applies here, but it makes sense to initiate appropriate investigations if several of the factors mentioned occur. The risk group for PD is people in their mid-50s to 60s.

Causes of Parkinson’s disease

The main cause of destruction of substantia nigra are toxins, heavy and light metals, but also other toxins and chemicals from the environment, to which we are permanently exposed. Those who have amalgam fillings, for example, are subject to permanent exposure to mercury. Aluminum is present in the atmosphere and is absorbed through respiration. These various substances accumulate in the brain over decades and destroy certain areas there.

Other causes for the development of the disease are serious intolerances, which are usually unknown. If you notice an intolerance, you always leave out the corresponding food. If you are not aware of your intolerances because there are no obvious symptoms, silent inflammation still develops in the intestines and the connections in the intestinal cells are no longer optimal. The resulting inflammatory cytokines and lectins enter the brain via the blood and the nervous system and gradually destroy it over a period of years. Known triggers are mainly cereals and animal milk products as well as prions from meat, especially game meat. If you want to protect your brain from the ground up, we recommend a plant-based diet. The harmful substances that have already entered the brain can no longer be destroyed or dissolved there.

Prevent Parkinson’s disease

The best way to prevent the disease is avoidance as well as regular detoxification of toxins. When it comes to food, a change in dietary habits can be important. For the detoxification of the body and the removal of harmful substances from the body, we recommend Clean Slate by Root, which manages to bind almost all of the above-mentioned harmful substances.

In the event that the disease has already run its course, the symptoms should be contained. This is achieved by detoxification and by supplying dopamine or the building blocks that the body needs to produce dopamine. In conventional medicine, there are potent remedies that mitigate the course of the disease.

In alternative medicine terms, the mucuna bean provides a natural precursor to dopamine. This is contained together with other substances in the remedy ZeroIn from the company Root and in this combination can be very well absorbed by the intestine. Furthermore, the remedy ReStore from the company Root can support the regeneration of the intestine as well as the formation of body cells.

Hypochlorous acid, which can be applied in the form of a spray, helps against prions. For this we recommend the Hozzel water from If this is sprayed into the nose, it is possible that the already accumulated prions will be neutralized.

Our experience shows that it is possible to contain an already existing disease in its speed and intensity. It is even quite possible to freeze the disease at its stage so that it does not get worse. Prophylaxis is very important for this. Protect your body from harmful substances and make sure that your diet is as healthy as possible.

Medical disclaimer
The contents offered here serve exclusively for neutral information and general further education. They do not constitute a recommendation or advertisement of the diagnostic methods, treatments or drugs described or mentioned. The text makes no claim to completeness, nor can the topicality, accuracy and balance of the information provided be guaranteed. The text in no way replaces the expert advice of a doctor or pharmacist and may not be used as a basis for independent diagnosis and the beginning, modification or termination of treatment of diseases. Always consult a doctor of your choice if you have health questions or complaints! DiePraxisFamily Lld. and the authors accept no liability for inconvenience or damage resulting from the use of the information presented here.
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