Chron’s disease is an autoimmune disease, the cause of which has not been clarified by orthodox medicine.However, its circumstances are often described as a genetic disposition. Chron’s disease is treated by suppressing the immune system with the help of various drugs. Basically, the disease is an inflammation in the intestine, or the digestive tract. The most common inflammation occurs at the end of the small intestine, which is the area where the small intestine joins the large intestine. However, the disease can spread throughout the intestine and also affect the stomach and esophagus. There are many causes and treatment approaches. How the disease can be treated alternatively medically, you will learn in this article

The causes of Chron’s disease

An overreaction of the immune system of the mucous membranes causes chronic inflammation and symptoms such as cramps and diarrhea in affected individuals. These can occur up to thirty times per day in acute phases. As a rule, Chron’s disease progresses in relapses, so that bad phases alternate with calmer phases. During an acute attack, the sufferers suffer greatly and are severely restricted in their everyday life.

Many factors weaken our good intestinal bacteria and thus ensure that they become less. The protective mechanisms of the intestine are weakened. These factors include heavy metals, light metals, and toxins from the environment and our food, most notably glyphosate. Due to this, the entire microbiome is constantly under stress, sometimes cracks appear in the intestinal wall and mucus production no longer functions. Antibiotics can also contribute to the weakening of the intestinal walls and make them more permeable to pathogens.

Furthermore, food intolerances play a major role in the development of Chron’s disease. Sometimes we do not notice existing intolerances if they do not cause any direct symptoms. Nevertheless, these can lead to subliminal inflammation in the body. Especially gluten, dairy products as well as certain types of vegetables containing lectins can be responsible for the irritation of the intestine. Lectins are protective substances with which plants can protect themselves from feeding pests, but also attack mucous membranes and intestinal bacteria. Most people tolerate a certain number of lectins well, but above a certain amount it becomes critical. Lectins are found in nightshade plants, legumes and certain types of nuts such as peanut or cashew, but also in corn.

Our Dr. Mama system is very well suited for specifically identifying food intolerances. Nutrition plays a major role in the development and treatment of Chron’s disease. In general, we recommend a purely plant-based diet, as meat also has negative factors that have been proven to be detrimental to our health.

In addition to nutrition and stresses from our environment, unresolved emotional conflicts also play a major role in the disease. In the abdomen are all the nerves, even more than in our brain, so emotional conflicts can have a very strong impact on the well-being of the intestine. The intestine is then not optimally supplied, so that over months and years there are disturbances in the development of mucus as well as the immune system in the intestine. As a result, autoimmune processes develop.

Once the disease has broken out, it is important to remember that there may also be a chronic miscolonization with bacteria, parasites or fungi. These are often added when the intestine is already poisoned and weakened.

Considering all these factors holistically makes it possible to treat the chronic disease. Conventional medicine primarily works in an immunosuppressive manner, i.e. the immune system is suppressed by the administration of certain substances.

This makes sense in the acute stage, but alternative medicine can still be used by administering turmeric or
Frankincense likewise a relief of the pain can be achieved. Another good approach of conventional medicine is the administration of naltrexone in the form of LDN therapy (low-dose naltrexone) in the acute state. This serves the opiate receptors in the body and at low doses, inflammation as well as pain are relieved by triggering the opiate receptors.

Important in the treatment of Chron’s disease is first and foremost the treatment of the cause. Only with successful treatment of the causes a sustainable improvement of the health condition is possible. We recommend the use of our Dr. Mama system, with which you can easily and conveniently examine your body yourself from home.

Medical disclaimer
The contents offered here serve exclusively for neutral information and general further education. They do not constitute a recommendation or advertisement of the diagnostic methods, treatments or drugs described or mentioned. The text makes no claim to completeness, nor can the topicality, accuracy and balance of the information provided be guaranteed. The text in no way replaces the expert advice of a doctor or pharmacist and may not be used as a basis for independent diagnosis and the beginning, modification or termination of treatment of diseases. Always consult a doctor of your choice if you have health questions or complaints! DiePraxisFamily Lld. and the authors accept no liability for inconvenience or damage resulting from the use of the information presented here.
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