Astaxanthin – The super antioxidant

Astaxanthin is a substance that belongs to the carotenoids. Carotenoids are colorants with functions. Known carotenoids include, for example, beta-carotene, but also as lutein-zeaxanthin. Astaxanthin belongs to the


Ashwagandha and its effect

The name “Ashwagandha” comes from Indian and is used primarily in Ayurvedic medicine. Ashwagandha is a dietary supplement obtained from the leaves as well as the root of


Pine needle tea

Pine needle tea is a valuable tea, which can support us in a natural way, especially in times of colds. But what is so special about this tea?


CBD oil – miracle drug

In the meantime, many people, but especially severely or chronically ill, know that valuable CBD oil can be extracted from the hemp plant, which contributes supportively to pain


Iodine Essential and vital

Almost everyone knows that iodine makes an important contribution to our health. But what do we actually need iodine for and from which sources can we obtain it


Finally sleep well – secret weight blanket

Insomnia is a common problem and many of us know it: poor and insufficient sleep. Problems falling asleep or sleeping through the night make us feel tired and


Human Design System – Who am I and how do I tick?

Know yourself if you want to become wise – Human Design is one of the best ways to do just that.In 1987, the physicist Alan Robert Krakower discovered


Vitamin B12 – without it it does not go!

Vitamin B 12 is a crucial vitamin for our health. Do you often feel tired, apathetic and exhausted? Maybe you even suffer from depressive moods? This could be


Intermittent fasting – the right way

Over intermittent chamfering, also as interval chamfering or 16:8 designated, is already reported for some years. Intermittent chamfered is a clearly healthier and easier alternative to extensive chamfering


The 5 levels of being

The basis of our work in practice is a theoretical model that has been known in the Asian world for several thousand years. In an amazing way, this
