The 5 levels of being

The basis of our work in practice is a theoretical model that has been known in the Asian world for several thousand years. In an amazing way, this


Cold is healthy – Biohacking

Biohacking is a way to optimize yourself and your body in a natural way. With which method you can optimize your body in its function, so that it


Fermented vegetables – a blessing for health

Fermented vegetables are a real blessing for our intestines and an incredibly valuable food. In our culture the fermented vegetable has unfortunately fallen into oblivion. In the past,


Sport for sport mufflers

I have too much to do. I have no time. I’m tired in the evening. Many people feel this way or something similar when it comes to doing


Coffee enema: a blessing for the liver

The liver is a very important organ for our body. On the one hand it is responsible for detoxification, but it is also responsible for the conversion of


How to go to the toilet properly

  Einige Menschen gehen nicht richtig aufs Klo, weil sie es nicht besser wissen. Der menschliche Schließmuskel ist ein großes Phänomen, daher ist es wichtig, diesen besser zu


Folic acid – The forgotten vitamin

Most people associate the vitamin folic acid with pregnancy. However not only pregnant women, but each humans need a certain measure of Folsäure in the body, in order


Cravings and how you can avoid them

Nowadays people often talk about healthy eating and many people try to implement it to a large extent. But suddenly it’s back – the ravenous hunger. A ravenous


Sulphur cure with inorganic sulphur

The inorganic sulphur is a blessing for the intestines. Not to be confused with organic sulfur, widely known as MSM, inorganic sulfur is still relatively unknown. It is


Vitamin D3 – You should know that

In the dark season we are often tired and lacking in drive – a lack of vitamin D in the body could be responsible for this. For many
