The main causes and solutions for Chron’s disease

Chron’s disease is an autoimmune disease, the cause of which has not been clarified by orthodox medicine.However, its circumstances are often described as a genetic disposition. Chron’s disease


Prevent Parkinson’s disease

Parkinson’s disease is a neurological brain disorder that is usually acquired and not congenital. If certain circumstances are present, a healthy brain can become ill. Basically, in PD,


A healthy gall bladder – prevent gallstones

The gall bladder – Everyone has heard this term, but what is the actual function of the gall bladder? Where bile comes from, which organ produces it, and


Irritable Bowel Syndrome

Irritable bowel syndrome represents a widespread disease diagnosis, which is made by some medical professionals, sometimes much too quickly. But what does irritable bowel syndrome mean and what


Coffee intolerance – symptoms and solutions

Many people love coffee and can not imagine the morning without it. However, coffee can be responsible for various health problems. On the one hand, these can be


Selenium deficiency

Selenium is an important and essential trace element. Essential means that we must supply this to our body, as it cannot produce it itself. If a selenium deficiency


Get rid of neurodermatitis

Neurodermatitis is a widespread disease, which can occur in varying intensity regardless of age. In most cases, the disease progresses chronically and in relapses. The worst affected are


The main cause of MS

Multiple sclerosis is associated with various symptoms and mainly affects the central nervous system. In different zones of the brain, something decomposes, that is, scleroses. With the help


Chalk teeth – causes and solutions

Chalk teeth or “MIH” (abbreviation for molar incisor hypomineralization), means that there is insufficient mineralization of the molars and frontal teeth. More and more children suffer from this


SIBO – What do I do about it?

Bacteria in intestine In our small intestine as well as in the large intestine we have a variety of bacteria. This has long been controversial in the medical
